Tuesday 23 November 2010

Mini Set Build (Objects)

Mini Set Build

Initial ideas:

  • Theater
  • Wardrobe
    • Narnia
  • Locker (Men in Black)
    • Handbag

  • Childhood objects
  • Puppets
    • Finger puppets
  • Children's book
  • Miniature
    • Set from a film
  • Characters
  • Suitcase
    • Living out a suitcase

Expanding ideas

Wardrobe and Lockers

  •  Wardrobe with clothes from every stage of your life in. Starting from tiny baby shoes all the way up to present day clothes. 

Final Idea

Have a wardrobe filled with clothes from my life. Starting from very young to very old. Augment with toys or pictures.

Evolution of ideas

Instead if using clothes shoes and toys from my life i will use Football shirts. There will be 16 football shirts to cover 20 years of my life. I will mount them on a clothing rail and photograph them.

Set up

With the basic coat rail set up, i started playing around with the lights. Lighting the background with a red gel and barn door attachment.

With the lights set up i started to take shots. Making sure the shirts were in the correct date order and hanging a flag underneath it.

However I felt this set up felt too forced and un-natural. So i stood side on a settled on what would be my final picture for the set design for now.

While this wasnt what I set out to create a like the feel and layout of the image. Creatively however i feel there is much more I can do, so that will require a revist and some point in the near future.

Commercial Shoot


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